Battlefield Effects
Battlefield Effects are simulated re-creations of combat related explosions and weaponry.
OPCON employs advanced technology used on a Hollywood level to bring unparalleled realism to any training environment to benefit the overall objectives of any training officer or group.
OPCON's capabilities include:
Roadside IED Simulators
Radio Controlled​
Command Detonated
Vehicle-Borne IED Simulators
Close Quarters IED Simulators
Indirect Fire Simulators
Suicide Vest IED
Weapons Simulators​​​
Blank Fire Foreign Weapons​
Heavy Gas Operated Machine Guns
Rocket Propelled Grenade
Mobile Training Teams
OPCON provides cost effective, mobile training units onsite at any training location. These teams consist of subject matter experts who can facilitate in depth, professionally designed training curriculums to meet any individual or unit requirements.
Our mobile teams are rapid deploying and highly adaptable to any environment or micro-specific training scenarios and subject matter experts can easily scale training to accommodate any size group or unit. OPCON works directly with local, national, and international vendors to source any and all materials needed to fulfill distinct and specialized training specifications.
Subject Matter Experts
OPCON instructors consist of subject matter experts in specialized fields of study and real world experience and application.
Instructors are capable of leading or supporting any training scenario or curriculum developed by OPCON or the training unit.

OPCON Mobile Training Teams are self sufficient and capable of providing all administrative, logistical, and operational requirements.
OPCON's capabilities and infrastructure allow us to adjust each training program to fit the specific needs of the client. ​
While OPCON is capable of providing training for large scale events, our Mobile Training Teams are a more focused approach to fulfilling specific training mission requirements.

Cost Effective
MTT's travel to your training location with all necessary equipment and support assets required to produce the highest quality educational experience.​
By utilizing MTT's, units can focus funding toward training personnel instead of travel and other logistical costs.

Rapid Deployment
MTT's are capable of supporting rapid fill contracts or short notice requests.​
OPCON's equipment is developed and manufactured in house allowing us to modify and deploy devices and personnel to fulfill unforeseen variations in training schedules.
Battlefield Immersion

Battlefield Immersion is the terminology used to describe the
additions to training scenarios that create a real life
OPCON utilizes it's top of the line moulage experts in conjunction with personnel, wardrobe, props, caches, and battlefield effects to guarantee the most realistic training on the market today.
Our battlefield immersion capabilities include:
Civilians on the Battlefield​
Foreign Language Speaking
Medical Scenario
Gunshot Wounds​
Mangled Limbs
Squirting Blood
IED Blast Wounds
Broken Bones
Realistic Smells
Opposition Force (OPFOR)
OPCON has the ability to completely outfit and arm an internal OPFOR element using your personnel or hire and train civilians from the local area to meet training objectives. OPFOR can range from a small insurgent force to a standard uniformed military.
We are able to create or assist scenario development to ensure realistic and tactical consistency.
OPCON utilizes:
Trained Personnel
Foreign Uniforms
Foreign Weapons
Props, Costumes and Weapons/Explosives Caches


Medical Role Players
Role Players
Role players greatly enhance battlefield immersion experience by providing a realism that directly supports theater specific atmospherics.
All OPCON role players complete a training course to ensure a clear and concise understanding of the required scenario objectives and aid the training officers in their mission success. We provide a cost effective alternative to using other military personnel in these positions by hiring local workers, most of which are veterans.
OPCON role players include:
Civilians on the Battlefield
Foreign Language Speaking Civilians
Language Specific Interpreters
Medical Scenario Role Players
Civilians on the Battlefield

Language Specific Interperters

OPCON's team of special effects experts creates realistic injuries and situations for immersive medical training in simulated high stress environments. We can develop a moulage package specific to the training objectives including, but not limited to, any of the following:​​
Gunshot Wounds​
Mangled Limbs
Arterial Bleeds
IED Blast Wounds
Compound Fractures
Realistic Smells​

The team also specializes in full scale medical scenarios. These real world settings provide stress induced training for both civilians and military personnel and can be used in conjunction with battlefield effects and additional role players.
OPCON can develop and support scenarios such as:
Mass Casualty (MASCAL)
Casualty Evacuation Under Fire
Secondary Explosion Casualty Scenarios
Terrorist Attack
Automotive Accidents

Explosive Blast Simulators
Design and Construction:
OPCON's superior Battlefield Simulators are specifically designed to support military training operations.
The rugged construction allows for maximum durability while maintaining ease of functionality. Each design enables the units to be easily concealed and visually adapted to the training enviornment.
Safety Features:
When using the Hard-lined Controller, user must initiate a safety function in conjunction with the firing trigger to eliminate the possibility of a misfire.
The Wireless Remote function operates on a secure network utilizing a four part firing sequence to ensure safe and reliable functionality.
The firing module will only respond to the remote containing a synchronized network MAC address which prevents any other remote or electronic transmitter from firing the system.

EXS-60 Blast Simulator
Replicates enemy mortar, RPG Point of Impact, Mines
Designed for use against dismounted soldiers
Single-user action (appx. 50lbs)
Emits 100-120 dB blast registration
Rapid-Fire capabilities allow for a quick lane reset
DoD 60559.9-STD and AFMAN 91-201 Compliant.
Classified as a non-pyrotechnic device.
Can be utilized in close proximity to mounted and dismounted personnel.
Operates in heavy rain, high winds, extreme cold, desert conditions, and beach landing operations.
Devices are capable of being fired with either a Wired Controller or a Wireless Remote.
If using the wireless capability, over 100 devices can be fired by single operator in a static position.
Single shot and rapid fire capable.​

EXS-80 Blast Simulator
Replicates Artillery Impact, Close Air Support, Enemy IDF, IED, Anti-tank Mine
Designed for use in lane training exercises for mounted operations
Single-user action (appx. 40lbs)
Emits 120-140 dB blast registration
Adjustable blast direction of 0° - 90°
Rapid-Fire capabilities allow for a quick lane reset
DoD 60559.9-STD and AFMAN 91-201 Compliant.
Classified as a non-pyrotechnic device.
Can be utilized in close proximity to mounted and dismounted personnel.
Operates in heavy rain, high winds, extreme cold, desert conditions, and beach landing operations.
Devices are capable of being fired with either a Wired Controller or a Wireless Remote.
If using the wireless capability, over 100 devices can be fired by single operator in a static position.
Single shot and rapid fire capable.​

Enables Long Range & large Payload Simulations
Large Visible Report
Can be seen clearly by arial operators
200ft Vertical Powder Dispersement
Rapid-Fire capabilities allow for a quick lane reset
Compatible with OPCON PuCS
Available for Permanent Install
DoD 60559.9-STD and AFMAN 91-201 Compliant.
Classified as a non-pyrotechnic device.
Can be utilized in close proximity to mounted and dismounted personnel.
Operates in heavy rain, high winds, extreme cold, desert conditions, and beach landing operations.
Devices are capable of being fired with either a Wired Controller or a Wireless Remote.
If using the wireless capability, over 100 devices can be fired by single operator in a static position.
Single shot and rapid fire capable.​
Powder Containment Shells (PuCS)
OPCON manufactures a unique line of visual effects shots that can be added to any blast simulator.
Weather Resistant
Variety of Colors & Effects
Earth Impact (Brown)
Target Impact (Black)
CBRN Attack
White Phosphorus
Night Fire

Advanced Firing Features
The Wireless Remote Function (WRF) operates on a secure network utilizing a four part firing sequence to ensure safe and reliable functionality.
The firing module will only respond to the remote containing a synchronized network MAC address which prevents any other remote or electronic transmitter from firing the system.
OPCON’s Firing System Control Center enables the user to map out training lanes, run scripted scenarios, and control all synced simulators from a user-friendly, digital app.

Battlefield Moulage
OPCON has the ability to completely outfit and arm an internal OPFOR element using your personnel or higher and train civilians from the local area to meet training objectives. OPFOR can range form a small insurgent force to a standard uniformed military.
We are able to create or assist scenario development to ensure realistic and tactical consistency.
OPCON utilizes:
Trained Personnel
Foreign Uniforms
Foreign Weapons
Props, Costumes and Weapons/Explosives Caches

Opposition Force
OPCON has the ability to completely outfit and arm an internal OPFOR element using your personnel or higher and train civilians from the local area to meet training objectives. OPFOR can range form a small insurgent force to a standard uniformed military.
We are able to create or assist scenario development to ensure realistic and tactical consistency.
OPCON utilizes:
Trained Personnel
Foreign Uniforms
Foreign Weapons
Props, Costumes and Weapons/Explosives Caches

Role Players
Role players greatly enhance battlefield immersion experience by providing a realism that directly supports theater specific atmospherics.
All OPCON role players complete a training course to ensure a clear and concise understanding of the required scenario objectives and aid the training officers in their mission success. We provide a cost effective alternative to using other military personnel in these positions by hiring local workers, most of which are veterans.
OPCON role players include:
Civilians on the Battlefield
Foreign Language Speaking Civilians
Language Specific Interpreters
Medical Scenario Role Players